Friday, October 05, 2007

My Plot for NaNo

This is my idea for NaNo, if you notice, I made the setting a town in WA because I've always heard: "When you don't know what to write about, write what you know." So I did, I know a bit about the town so I decided that that would be the best location. I'm going to expand on this in the future. Also, look for character profiles in the coming days. Please do not steal this plot and let me know what you think.

Title: Second Chances

Characters: Alisha, Jake, Mark (Alisha’s father), Cherri (Alisha’s co-worker), Olvia (Jake’s mom), Henri (Jake’s dad), Tabitha (Alisha’s mother), Lori (Alisha’s school friend)

Setting: Present day, Marysville, WA.

Scenes may include: An apartment, a school, a hospital, a restaurant, and a house

Themes: Love, faith, hope, peace

Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Christian

Basic Plot:
Alisha lives alone with her father in a cramped apartment on the shady side of Marysville. Her father is a drunk, who doesn’t work and beats her constantly. Mark (her father), often times brings over his drinking buddies and then she isn’t just subjected to Mark’s wrath. Sometimes her father’s beatings go to the extreme and she ends up missing school and work due to injuries. When she attends school, she is teased and picked on there because of her shyness and the way she dresses. A guy by the name of Jake, takes interest in her and wants to know more about her. Alisha pushes Jake away because she is slightly afraid of guys and he asks too many questions. He persists and eventually she opens up her life to him, including what happens when she isn’t working. He becomes furious and demands that she goes to the state with the matter, she refuses. She wants to do her best to influence her father for the good before she leaves the house.
Amazed, Jake asks her where she gets her peace from. She says from God and after a couple of months of studying together, Jake accepts Christ and falls in love with Alisha. Because of missing work, Alisha works overtime and Jake waits for her shift to end to walk her home. Mark sees her walking home with Jake one evening and chases Jake off the property. Alisha ends up staying home from school for two days. Jake leaves her flowers on her doorstep to give her encouragement. When she comes back, Jake confesses his feelings for her. She admits to having the same attraction to him and they decide to become “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”. Mark finds out about their secret relationship and Alisha suffers greatly at his hand, the next day when Alisha doesn’t show up at school, Jake decides to investigate. He finds Alisha one the floor, nearly dead. To save her life, he calls Henri (his father who is a physician) and they get her to the hospital. Her life now hangs in the balance and love may be the only thing that can save her….


Brianna said...

Ooooooh! I'm very intrigued! *pokes* Can I read this when it is done? Please!!!! *puppy dog eyes*

Yukioh said...

I will gladly give it to you when I'm done. :) You just made my day, Em. :D

Annie Riley said...

This sounds amazing! *pom*

Ariel said...

I love the details of your plot! It sounds very well thought out and original, and you've captured my interest already.

Go Yuki! *pom*

Yukioh said...

Thanks, Nim and Crim (hey that rhymes :P). :)) I'm very excited to get started *pom*