Sunday, October 11, 2009

SuNo: Finished

Today, I finished typing my SuNo at 3:00 pm. The final word count for my novel is 207,065. I don't even want to think about editing at this point because I know it's going to be brutal yet hilarious. So I'm happy that I have finished that chapter and can now move on with NaNo! :D

*dances with joy*


Thursday, October 08, 2009

Finishing My SuNo

I have decided to make a resolution that I'm going to stick to. I have decided that if I do not finish my SuNo, I will not participate in NaNo. I'm hoping this will help me finish one novel this year. I really need to do so. I'm so close to the end too. So that is my goal for the month, we'll see how everything works out for me.

If I do finish my SuNo, I am going to be rewriting my fantasy trilogy for NaNo. I'm hoping that it will turn out better than the first attempt. There are very few people ho read it all the way through and those who did could tell you that it needed a lot of work. :P I have furthered my resolution to never leave off in mid-thought because of that. I will not have a repeat of that disaster. Huzzah for me. :P

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Gearing up for NaNo

It's almost November again. My goodness, the time sure goes fast. I have finally decided on my plot for NaNoWriMo this year. I will be rewriting The Jewel of the Ancient. This time, I'm definately excited to get this up and going. Quite honestly because it's about time. Plus, I need to get my trilogy out of the way. :P I have lots of planning to do though. We'll see how everything goes! :D NaNo's coming soon!