Monday, November 12, 2007

Day... I lost track

So here I am, way behind my word goal but I think I am offcially giving up on my intended goal. Competion is just way too hot right now and so I am just... bleh. Plus, tension is running very high right now and it makes me upset/unsettled. I need peace in the house and when there isn't any I get thrown off. Kind of weird I know. I must say though, my plot is taking a really different turn! I never expected it to come out this way! I introduced Jake's father a lot earlier than planned and I think it's going to be just fine. I am totally hyped up still on NaNo and wished I had more time to write.

Enough of my ramblings, keep writing!


Saturday, November 10, 2007


I can see that my feelow friends are moving along quite nicely in their words counts, congratulations to you all! :D I finally updated my word count to the correct count. Yes, I'm up to 21k, I'm supposed to be at 25k but I'm not so... :6: I guess it's time to talk about my plot. So far I've introduce my two characters and am putting them in situations where they get to work together. Most of this novel will take place at school so I'm having them work together on a history project. So yeah, they are working together on that sort of. Right now I just put in a scary scene that takes place at school. I think that I am going to revise it later. Can't tell you to what though. :P

More later,


Thursday, November 08, 2007

Um yeah

So I didn't update my word count for two days. I am currently at 17,900 words for this month and only 158 behind. I got lazy over the past few days and so... I ignored my blog. I am hoping to write a lot more at school today and during choir/band so we will see. :ninja: More later,


Monday, November 05, 2007


After going to school and stuff like that I came home feeling totally drained so I could only come up with a little over 2,300 words to spare. I'm exhausted and ready to call it a night. Just need to do a couple of things first. Hopefully tomorrow will go better. :zz:

More later,


P.S. Keep going strong

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Wow! I am so glad that I chose to do NaNo again! I had an amazing day, my word count is now 11,056 words and I'm still itching to write more but I figured that I should get my chores done while I have some free time. :) In other news, I burned my finger today while taking a pizza out of the oven and it still burns. :oops: So maybe loading the dishwasher might not be the best idea... without gloves at least. Go fellow NaNo-er's and friends! :))

Saturday, November 03, 2007


I did more than I dreamed of today, thanks to a little timed writing. I wrote a few hundred over my goal for today which makes me happy! I decided to keep track of my progess via excel spreadsheet. :) So, you can see my word count for yourself in my nifty word counter. I'm so excited for this month and hope to get some writing done one weekend. I just want one day where all I can do is write!

More later,


Friday, November 02, 2007

End of Day 2

It's the end of day two and I'm to 4,700 words. I would write more but there are some other people who want to the computer to type as well. Competition for the computer is hot this year because there are two other people this year doing NaNo in my house. Keep going strong!


Thursday, November 01, 2007

First day and...

Well, it's the first day of NaNo! And I muse say that was totally hyped when I went to school. I'm up to over 2,000 words but I feel very good about my NaNo. There are a few things that I would like to fix but... I'm turning off my inner editor... someday, eventually though. :P Hope your word counts are rolling along nicely!

More later,
