Monday, November 05, 2007


After going to school and stuff like that I came home feeling totally drained so I could only come up with a little over 2,300 words to spare. I'm exhausted and ready to call it a night. Just need to do a couple of things first. Hopefully tomorrow will go better. :zz:

More later,


P.S. Keep going strong


Eowyn_of_Rohan said...

Hey! I've been meaning to drop by here for a while. . . .

Congrats on your NaNo progress! It sounds like you're enjoying it. How's the plot progressing?

Yukioh said...

Hello, Eowyn! :D Nice to see you here and thank you very much! My plot is progressing very nicely. I am constantly putting my MC's in situations where they need to work together. I'm not sure when Jake is going to break down Alisha's barriers and I'll save the rest of my stuff of an update on my blog. :6: