Thursday, July 17, 2008

Far behind...

I am seven days behind in my Snapshots. I thought that I could balance everything but I guess I was wrong. =P Wait, what's there to balance? No, I am going to post at least two scenes today. I am working on typing up one that I finished last night and then I'm going to work on the one I started. I liked the way that my tenth scene turned out because it's just mysterious. However, I think I'm going to have to cut out about three hundred words. We'll see though. i hope I didn't write that much. =P Anyways, I'm off to type,



Thursday, July 03, 2008

Day Three

Well today I actually felt way better about my Snapshots scene. For one thing, my younger sis went through and edited my scene for punctuation and other minor errors (thanks Raine). Also, I like how so far all of the character's lives are somehow related to Rai's. It gives the story a sense of common ground even though each character is struggling with their own lives. Today I wrote about Aiko. Aiko's father left her and her mother two weeks ago and since then, she hasn't been allowed to do anything. Her mother is being over protective because she doesn't want Aiko to leave as well. In the end she realizes this and ends up apologizing. Aiko's dad walks in and apologizes as well. I think that the end of the story is very nice. I would love to wrap up the story with Rai's point of view again but it's not allowed. =P Oh well, I can write my own ending to the story.

Anyways, I'm going to try and type a little on the next scene before the night is over so that I can enjoy the holiday with my family. :)

Happy 4th of July!


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Day Two of Snapshots: CleanPlace Extra Credit Project

Good evening everyone! It's currently 11 pm and I'm here going to talk more about Snapshots. I felt really bad because I didn't get to post my scene until past ten (sorry Elraen!). I wanted to post it earlier but I couldn't think of how to begin. Well, there's more to the story though. I went with my older sis to get some stuff and we ended up getting lost for a good hour and a half. Then it was about 1:45 when we went to get lunch and then we eventually got home at... 2:40? It was a fun day, I think. I'm still trying to decide on that, lol. My second scene involves a guy named Kane, who has a huge crush on Rai. However, he doesn't know what to think about her being pregnant and all. I wanted to save this for the end but I couldn't. So it ended up as my second scene for the story. I think this one is a little weaker than the one before but I still like the story. However, now I am going to bed because I'm really tired and am having a hard time typing this post. Until tomorrow,


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Day One of Snapshots

Well I made it through day one! I think that my scene turned out pretty well. I'm kind of nervous about the feedback though (of course I'll always be nervous about it). My first scene is about a fifteen year old girl who's name is Rai (meaning trust in Japanese). She got too involved with her boyfriend and is now regrettingg the choice she made. She is pregnant and feels like she can't talk to anyone about it. Her best friend, Kaede proves her wrong with her statement that true friends will always stick around until the end. The main event of the story will be Rai's pregnancy but I will explore 29 other views in this story. We'll see how this all turns out, I'm hoping that it will be good. :P
