Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Okay, excuse the title. I'm a little estatic about July. For the month of July CleanPlace will be doing another SuNoWriMo! Woot! I'm so excited. The last time this happened was in July of 2007, so two years ago. The novel which came out of that is "finished" but in dire need of editing. Yes, SuNo of '07 produced an on-going trilogy, which is in deperate need of finishing. The Kiona Jewel Trilogy has been placed on a temporary hiatus until...I figure out everything.

This year for my SuNo, I am looking at two plots that I am very interested in writing. The first one involves forgiveness and the other is trust and being satisfied with you're at in your life. I want to write both of them, so whatever one I don't to for SuNo will end up being my NaNo. I've just got to figure out which one I'm going to work on. Oh the perils of having plots abound. :P Anyway, wish me luck!

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