Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day Fourteen

Well, it's day fourteen here in NaNo land. I must say that everyone is doing awesome. Your word counts are quite lovely and even if you are behind, I'm sure that you will catch up. You all have the determination to win and I'm sure that it will prove quite exhausting. However, you'll wake up on December first going "I'm done? Really?" Don't worry though, you can edit in that time. :P

As for me, my NaNo adventures have been sort of short and brief as I have had little time to write this past week or so. I've been suffering from major headaches, which hinders my thought process quite severely and thus rendering me incapible of working on my NaNo effectivly. Still, I am at a nice 35,000 words. I'm behind almost ten thousand words to meet my word goal for this month. However, I have the feeling that I will be among those who pull it off, even if I am word warring until the last minute. :P

Keep writing everyone!

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