Monday, November 02, 2009

Day Two of NaNo

Today is day two and I admit that I got a little frustrated earlier with my NaNo because I felt that it wasn't moving fast enough for my taste. However, now that I've killed one of my characters, I feel much better. I know that sounds quite odd, but most of you should be used to it by now. :P I finished my writing day at 14,100. I think I'm making good progress this month and I should finish early with my novel. Ha! That's if I don't take any vacation days near the middle of the month and I don't have headaches for a week straight. We'll see.

Everyone, keep writing! You're all doing great!

1 comment:

Hannah Nicole said...

Hi! I added you on Nanowrimo as "ElvishAuthoress" and I was wondering if you would add a follower thing to your blog, so I could follow you. If you do so, then comment on my blog ( letting me know, so I can come follow!

Best wishes, and blessings!
