Sunday, October 26, 2008

Character Profile: Loraine Anderson

Character Profile Info Sheet

Basic Statistics

Name: Loraine Anderson

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Birthdate: October 5th, 1981

Hometown: Bellingham, WA

Current Residence: Seattle, WA

Occupation: Lawyer

Talents/Skills: She possess the secret talent of being able to string together an argument, even if it’s not what she believes. She is a good cook and can sew.

Salary: Depends on the client but on average she makes under a million a year

Birth order: Oldest of two.

Family Relationships: (spouse, siblings, parents, etc.) Her parents and younger sister are all deceased. They died in a car crash while heading toward her school play. They were killed by a drunk driver who never saw justice and that alone is the reason why she wanted to be a lawyer. She wants to bring justice to everyone and give them what they deserve.

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 5.7

Weight: 133, mostly in muscle. She works out 4-6 times a week, somehow.

Race: Human

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Blonde

Skin color: Ivory

Shape of Face: Heart

Distinguishing features: She has a scar over her eye, a memorabilia of when she fell off the stage during her school play after learning of her parent’s death.

How does he/she dress? Modest but with more business style than anything else, she wears a blouse with a skirt or slacks.

Mannerisms: Laid back but sharp.

Habits: (bites nails, twirls hair, smokes, etc.) When she is annoyed she taps her fingers loudly.

Health: Excellent, she rarely gets sick but when she does it’s bad.

Hobbies: She likes to sew, read, and draw

Disabilities: None

Greatest flaw: She can rarely say no

Best quality: She is caring and honest

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes & Attitudes

Educational Background: She attended and graduated from Harvard School of Law within the top one percent of her class.

Intelligence Level: 142

Life Learning Experiences: She learned that you can’t carry everything on your own and that has helped her through many times. She tries to make herself an available person so that she can be their strength when needed.

Short-term goals in life: To win her current case.

Long-term goals in life: To settle down and have children.

How does Character see himself/herself? She sees herself as a nice person but sometimes feels like she’s hiding too many things.

How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? She thinks that they don’t trust her because there are some things in her life that she’s not ready to talk about yet.

How self-confident is the character? She is always self-confident. Very few things shake her up.

Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or a combination of both? Logic in most cases, emotion when things become personal.

What would most embarrass this character? To be made a laughing stock in the industry. She’s worked hard to be where she’s at and she doesn’t want to give everything up. She will survive.

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths: She won’t give up despite the odds

Weaknesses: She is kind and that could lead to her downfall

Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert, she’s not afraid to share her opinion.

How does the character deal with anger? She deals with anger in her own way. She hardly raises her voice because she knows how little that solves. There is no point on yelling if nothing good comes out of it.

With sadness/conflict/change/loss? She handles sadness as well as disappointment, she’s not set back by it. Conflict means that she’s ruffled someone’s feathers and is about to find out the truth. She doesn’t mind change. Loss is another story, she feels confused and lost when someone dies. That’s why she wants justice, so that they can rest in peace. Or rather, so she has a peace in mind.

What does the character want out of life? She wants to feel satisfied that she helped bring peace to families. It helps her come to terms with her past.

What would the character like to change in his/her life? She would like to be a more open person, even though she already is.

What motivates this character? The satisfaction of a job well done and to see the families finally being able to put their past aside so they can heal from whatever happened to them.

What frightens this character? In a sense, her own past because she finds refuge in her work so if she can’t find satisfaction in her work then she can’t be happy.

What makes this character happy? The smile on other people’s faces when they’ve gotten the compensation they deserve.

Is the character judgmental of others? As a lawyer, she analyzes their character based on how they act, sort of her way of telling if they’re lying or not.

Is the character generous or stingy? Neither, she gives when she feels but doesn’t feel the need to hoard her money. She spends a fair amount of money paying to have private policemen protect high society clients who are likely to get killed.

Is the character generally polite or rude? Polite except when it comes to people hitting on her.

Spiritual Characteristics

Does the character believe in God? No.

What are the character's spiritual beliefs? She believes that there is good and evil in the world and she is going to do her best not to walk the path of evil, even though she isn't saved herself.

Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life? Kind of, her parents were devout believers so some of her personality is influenced by her upbringing.

If so, what role does it play? It plays a major role in how she handles herself and her firm belief that she will get to the top her own way and will do it the right way.

How the Character is Involved in the Story

Character's role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.): Loraine is the main character that is vital to the plot. She is going to be the one that most of the unwanted and wanted attention will be focused on. Because of this, she will also be the target of a man who she intends on never going out with because she thinks of him as a sleeze-ball. Scene where character first appears: The first scene in the courtroom, where she gets the final verdict on her latest case.

Relationships with other characters:(Name each character and describe relationships and changes to relationship over the course of the story.)

Shasta is her best friend, they went to school together and Shasta moved in with her when her parents disowned her.

Richard is the lawyer who is trying to seduce her to keep her off of their scent. He’s scum, that’s all she cares to know about him

As for her clients, they trust her with a deep respect, they tell her everything she needs to know.

As for in the courtroom, the judges are cold to her, they don’t care as long as they make a few thousand on the side and she doesn’t pay off.

And with the elite in the law firm, they’ve always been nice to her but they start to get a little cold.

How is the character different at the end of the novel from when the novel began?: (This is one of the most important things to nail down. A story that invokes change in a character will be more interesting and appealing to your reader.)

She starts out as just another citizen who goes about their normal routine without thinking about things too much. However, with her last four cases shot, she can’t sit back anymore. Things demand action and she wants to be the one who changes them. During the book we see her turn from a passive individual to a active person.Additional Notes on this Character: Loraine’s personality is sort of based off of how disgusted I am with the way things are going in the country, at least toward the end of the novel. She dislikes how everyone is willing to turn their heads and pretend that nothing’s ever happened and how easily they can look away. She knows she can’t solve everything but she can start by getting her points across, if people start to listen to her then she can start to influence their lives

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