Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Counting Down


Yes, I'm counting down the days until National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) begins. I'm hyped up about the whole thing and can barely wait to start typing. I've got my plot almost ready to go and call me...impatient but I've made a book cover. My plot this year is in the mystery/suspense category. This idea started out as a piece of dialogue between myself. Basically, I talked between two characters and then the idea hit me! I thought about making this a movie first but decided against that. So this is my NaNo, as per the rules, nothing is written on the story, save for my plots. I'm planning on doing a more detailed plot in the near future. On November 1st, look for me posting the plot on the blog and keep track of my work in progress! Can't wait to get started and looking forward to adventuring with you all! :)


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