Sunday, November 30, 2008

NaNoWriMo won and over, now what?

Well, amazingly enough I made my goal of 70,000 words for the month of November. I'm quite happy with my goal and what I've written. However, even though NaNoWriMo is over with, my novel is not. At this stage, I have not reached my halfway point (at least what I consider that to be) so you could argue that I'm...well there goes that train of thought. :P I plan on continuing the story as well as coming up with plots for next year!

Anyway, I'm extending anothe congratulations to all who finished NaNoWriMo this year. Everyone is awesome! You deserve a hug so *hugs*!

<3 Yuki

Thursday, November 20, 2008

6+6=12: Project Update!

Here is my first offcial project update. I have decided to announce one of the plot ideas for my stories in the next year. The reason I'm able to do this is because this is the most well formed and thought out one. Plus! You all have something to look forward to and it makes me look like I'm going through with the project. :P I would never intentionally abandon a project (for the record). Also, I'm already thinking ahead to 2010 (now that's scary). Anyway, I shall no long delay and give you the information!

6+6=12: 2009 Project
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Word Goal: 65,000 words (2,097 words a day)
Title: Begin Again
For ten years of his life, he never had the best role models. His parents believed that taking care of their child meant that they just had to keep food in the house, sometimes he did without. His life took skill to survive in. Not only did he have to fend for himself, but Jason also dealt with severe abuse. Some days, he couldn’t even move. One day, one of his relatives saves him from his home. However, it seems a bit too late. He is convinced that his aunt and uncle are putting on a façade to impress the judge so they can have custody. He won’t fall for anymore lies. Will they be able to prove to him that they care for him? And can they save him before he makes the wrong choices that could lead to the end of his life?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm done!

Well, here it's day 16 and I've already finished meeting the NaNoWriMo requirments! :pom: I'm not even halfway done with my story so there is still plenty to write! I'm planning on writing out the rest of my novel during the rest of the month. So, my unspoken goal is 70k by the end of the month. We'll see how everything works out though!

Congratualations to those who've finished! Keep writing on and on!

Now, time to get some sleep. :P


Friday, November 14, 2008

Day Fourteen In this Journey

Well, here I am almost halfway into this journey of NaNo. Every year is a new expereince and I am excited to find out where each novel will head. This time around is no exception. My characters are always surprising me. These past few days are some of the more interesting in my writing this November. There are events that I never planned on happening, yet they are in my novel.

Over the past few days people have asked me how I work on a Novel. My advice is nothing special but I'm willing to share it:

1) The less you have planned, the further you'll get. Trust me, it works.
2) When you encounter writer's block, keep writing. Even if everything is gibberish, you'll probably edit it later.
3) Let the words flow. Don't try stop and pound yourself into thinking of you can word something better. WRITE!
4) Let the unplanned events happen! They will probably add something important to your story anyway.
5) Let loose! Don't be afraid of anything! This your story, anything can happen!

That's all I have to share.

Keep writing!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day Eleven

Haha, and it didn't take me long to forget that I even have a blog. :P It's day eleven here in the month of November. I'm coming along quite well on my NaNo. Today is the first day I've suffered from writer's block. Though very minor, it set me back a little. However, I am back on track and working toward 30k. So far, my NaNo is full of surprises. Every time I open my document, I am amazed. Here's to surprises and writing! HUZZAH!

Keep writing!


Saturday, November 08, 2008

Day Eight!

Well, here I am at day eight and going "Wow, I've been writing my brains out." You know what though? I like getting a nice lead on my NaNo though. I think that this has been my best year thus far. Probably because I'm not suffering from any cases of writer's block (just headaches). I'm sure that will all change though. I set my personal goal for 18k today and came out with 20k, so I'm happy with myself. Tomorrow, I want to be able to get a good chuck done. The story took another surprising twist and I must say that it's rather, interesting thus far. I realized that I need to do more research for the sake of the story but oh well. Right now I can get by on vague details. :P

Keep writing!


Friday, November 07, 2008

Catching Up on Updates

Hey all,here is my update on my NaNo. I am pretty happy with the direction the story is going in thus far. I am liking my main character a lot, she's tough but not overbearing. I passed 15k yesterday, I'm a little behind on my personal count but that's due to headaches and other things. I'm planning on writing a ton more when my head stops throbbing and I can write sense. Anyway, keep going with your goals! I hope to see every one at the finish line.

Yuki ^^

Monday, November 03, 2008

Day Three

Hello everyone! I hope your day three is going well. ^^ I got a lot of writing done today and I'm comfortable as to where I'm at. I'm really liking my story thus far. Also, some events happened that I did not count on and they made the story a bit more interesting. Anyway, now I'm trying to update my word count on the NaNo site.

8,420 words for today!

Keep going!


Day Two

Yeah, I know it's technically day three. Day two went okay for me. I met a small goal of 3,500. I should've written more but oh well. However, as you can probably guess, I stayed up late to make up for it. Well, I'm getting off before my fingers stop working.


Sunday, November 02, 2008

6+6=12: My 2009 Project

Yup, it's time to post my upcoming project! Here's the details as I have them:

6+6=12: Yukioh’s 2009 Writing Project

It’s time to unveil my 2009 writing project, or should I say projects? Well, now that I’ve decided to let the cat out of the bag, I’m going to tell you more about what I am planning on doing for the entire year of 2009. Indeed, I’m going to use the whole year. Call it my New Year’s resolution if you will. Come January 1st, I will be embarking on a long journey of writing. My goal? to write 6 novels and edit them in during 2009.I will take one month to write each novel and one month to edit them. Hence I will spend 6 months writing and 6 months editing. The format will look like this:
January- Write
February- Edit
March- Write
April- Edit
May- Write
June- Edit
July- Write
August- Edit
September- Write
October- Edit
November- Write
December- Edit

I have decided that each novel will be a minimum of 50,000 words, to keep in line with NaNoWriMo guidelines. Also, my novel for November will double for my NaNo. I don’t expect any of these stories to need extensive editing (as some of my other ones do *coughs*). This is more of a project to keep me writing throughout most of the year and learning how to catch more of my mistakes as I write. I will also try and explore different genres for these. There are a few genres that I will not include for the sake of I don’t like them. I know that's rude of me.

Some of you may be wondering if I’ll be participating in CP projects, I plan on adding those to my writing load. I know, seems like a lot to take on but I’m looking forward to doing so.I am determined to stick to this project throughout the year as a test. Also, I will be asking for others to help edit as I would like several people to look over these novels. I will not set deadlines for editing these novels and how much feedback you want to give on these is up to you. If you want to be an editor, you do not have to commit to doing all six novels. After NaNo 2008 is over, I am planning on sitting down and coming up with different plots so I won’t be jumping into the New Year without an idea of what I’m going to write. I will be using this thread to inform you of each novel and how the progress is going, as well as my blog. Well, there is my plan thus far. ^^ Feedback? Comments?

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Day One of NaNoWriMo

Well, it's that crazy time of year again! I am enjoying NaNo already. In my last post, I stated that I wouldn't stay up late for NaNo's sake but ended up staying anyway. However, not because of starting to write but because I was discussing some other things with a friend. It just happened to be one in the morning when we stopped talking so I wrote for a good hour afterward and a nice section written. I am working on NaNo even now as I type this. I'm liking the way my story is turning out already! :D More to come soon,


GO NANO-ers!