Friday, November 14, 2008

Day Fourteen In this Journey

Well, here I am almost halfway into this journey of NaNo. Every year is a new expereince and I am excited to find out where each novel will head. This time around is no exception. My characters are always surprising me. These past few days are some of the more interesting in my writing this November. There are events that I never planned on happening, yet they are in my novel.

Over the past few days people have asked me how I work on a Novel. My advice is nothing special but I'm willing to share it:

1) The less you have planned, the further you'll get. Trust me, it works.
2) When you encounter writer's block, keep writing. Even if everything is gibberish, you'll probably edit it later.
3) Let the words flow. Don't try stop and pound yourself into thinking of you can word something better. WRITE!
4) Let the unplanned events happen! They will probably add something important to your story anyway.
5) Let loose! Don't be afraid of anything! This your story, anything can happen!

That's all I have to share.

Keep writing!


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