Sunday, October 28, 2007

3 more days until NaNo!

Woohoo!!!!!!! I can not express my excitement in this post. I am incredibly happy for NaNo to start, I will actually get something done and it will give me something to look forward each day as I sit at school, not liking my class (enough said). Just the very thought lately makes me jump with excitement. As mentioned in my title, NaNo is 3 days away and it's still too far. I want to start NaNo now. :P I look forward to a month of craziness of writing and I'm very much hoping that this novel will come easily and I will not have to do much editing. I conteplated staying up until midnight on the 31st but decided against it since I have to get up at 6:30 the next day. :P

My plot idea is very formed and ready to take shape in my writing! I wrote a very basic outline but that very basic outline will keep me on target. I would post the outline but it will give away my ending... which I can't do. Have I mentioned that NaNo is only 3 more days away? :oops:

More later,


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