Sunday, October 07, 2007

Character Profile Sheet: Alisha

Character Profile Info Sheet

Basic Statistics
Alisha Reynolds
Age: 17
Birthday: 04/12/1990
Gender: Female
Hometown: Hershey, Pennsylvania
Current Residence: Marysville, Washington
Occupation: Part-Time Courtesy Clerk
Talents/Skills: Writes poetry
Salary: $8.03/per hour
Birth order: Only childFamily
Relationships: She lives with her father, who is an abusive drunk. Her mother killed herself several years ago and tried to kill Alisha as well to save her from her father’s wrath. Alisha bears the deep scars from when her mother slit her wrists.

Physical Characteristics:
Height: 5.5
Weight: 120
Race: Human
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Skin color: Pale white
Shape of Face: Oval
Distinguishing features: Scars all over her body, each scar is linked to a specific memory
How does he/she dress? Long sleeves, through all the seasons paired with jeans. Usually, she wears nicer clothes for work but still long sleeves.
Mannerisms: Shy, secluded
Habits: Rocks herself back and forth to comfort herself
Health: Generally good, she often is covered with cuts but manages to keep them from getting infected. The only times she gets sick is in the fall and winter
Hobbies: None, she is too busy working and going to school or staying at home, suffering abuse from her father
Disabilities: None
Greatest flaw: Her heart, she doesn’t want to turn her father in so she just suffers the abuse.
Best quality: Her heart, she’s also very forgiving of others.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes & Attitudes
Educational Background: She’s gone to school since Kindergarten and continuing on with her education, now she’s a junior in High School
Intelligence Level: 104, she’s a little above average
Life Learning Experiences: Anger doesn’t do you any good, it will only prolong your suffering
Short-term goals in life: To graduate and move
Long-term goals in life: Get married, though she doesn’t think of herself as beautiful
How does Character see himself/herself? Not beautiful, standoff-ish
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? Ugly, weird
How self-confident is the character? She shines in the areas that she is most comfortable with but retracts when thrown into an awkward situation. She isn’t self-confident in herself outside of her comfort zone.
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or a combination of both? She is often ruled by logic and very rarely emotion. Through the “tough” times, she found that acting in retaliation is only makes things worse.What would most embarrass this character? For people to find out about her dad, she loves him but not the things that he does to her.

Emotional Characteristics
Strengths: She relies on God to get her through.
Weaknesses: She keeps her problems to herself, leaving her with only one friend
Introvert or Extrovert? Very Introvert, she keeps quiet in fear that something might slip.
Because of this and the way she dresses, people think that she is weird and standoffish
How does the character deal with anger? Pretty well, considering she is abused constantly. She learned to accept it, now she must learn not to accept it and stand up for herself
With sadness/conflict/change/loss? She keeps a lot to herself, her closest friend doesn’t even know the extent of the damage
What does the character want out of life? Not much, she wants to get out and get married but thinks that it will be impossible at times.
What would the character like to change in his/her life? Everything but isn’t making much effort to change it.
What motivates this character? A change from her lifestyle
What frightens this character? That she will be the same forever
What makes this character happy? Not much, knowing that someone loves her is enough.
Is the character judgmental of others? Yes and no, she judges people who try to get to know her better as “pushy” but unless they talk to her directly she doesn’t really care about them.
Is the character generous or stingy? Just about every penny she earns is to pay rent for the apartment, to buy food, and to pay for her father’s alcohol.
Is the character generally polite or rude? Rude at first, if people took time to break down the barriers then she wouldn’t care.

Spiritual Characteristics
Does the character believe in God? Yes, her faith gets her through the days.
What does the Character believe? She believes that God is the Creator of the universe, that through the blood of Christ people are saved, and that life will get better
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life? Yes
If so, what role does it play? It plays a huge part in her life, through her faith she saves others but her gentle spirit. People are often drawn to her because of her spirit but she pushes them away.
How the Character is Involved in the Story Character's role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.): Alisha is the primary main character in the novel, she eventually falls in love with Jake
Scene where character first appears: The very first chapter, the scene opens with her father beating her.

Relationships with other characters:

Jake- At first she doesn’t like him because he asks too many personal questions (about her family) but she eventually becomes friends with him and falls in love with him

Mark- Her father, she doesn’t hate him but she doesn’t approve of his actions. She wants him to change but fears this will never happen

Tabitha- Her mom, she committed suicide when Alisha was only 9 years old in effort to be rid of her father’s abusiveness. Tabitha also tried to kill Alisha so that her father doesn’t abuse her.

Lori- Alisha’s only friend at school (until Jake comes along), she is often kept in the dark about much of Alisha’s life but she is always there for her. Eventually, Alisha tells about her dark past.

How is the character different at the end of the novel from when the novel began?: (This is one of the most important things to nail down. A story that invokes change in a character will be more interesting and appealing to your reader.) She is more open and uses her experiences to help others. Also, she realizes that she is not alone in the world. She views her suffering as God's way of telling her that she's doing something wrong and that she's the only one going through this. When in fact, Satan is the one who is trying to ruin families and pull them apart

Additional Notes on this Character: She is a very kind person at heart but doesn’t really know what she wants to do and that is her downfall right there.

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