Tuesday, October 02, 2007

NaNo 2007?

Hey all, it's time to start thinking about NaNo again. I'm really looking forward to doing this again. :) This year I've spent a lot of time plotting and as a result I've got one plot really developed in my head. I finally wrote it out on paper the other day. The nice thing about this plot is that it's really developed and I know where I want to go with the story. Plus, it's got a Christian theme running throughout the book. It's been a while since I've written a Christian novel and I'm looking forward to it. :) Anyways, I'm hoping to finish my novel again but if school demands my attention then I will give my attention to school. Last year, I had a lot of free time but this year I'm a little bit more tight schedule-wise. I look forward to the challenge of balancing school and NaNo.

I hope to see some more CPeeps this year.

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Kudos to you for having a plot, and a Christian one at that!

Good luck! :D