Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Less than 12 hours to go!

Woohoo! I'm totally excited to start my latest adventure into the noveling world! I will try and keep you all informed daily of my progress and goals for the day. I'm hoping (this may be a bit far-fetched :6:) to reach 50,000 words by the middle of November instead of November 30th. The rest of the time will be spent adding more to my novel. What is my overall goal for this year? Well, last year I reached a little over 50,000. I reached for every word until I almost died (creative wise). SuNoWriMo (a spin-off of NaNo) was only 30,000 words but I decided to go above and beyond, I reached 60,000 words with more ideas to continue on. This year I am hoping to reach 70,000 words by the end of this month. We'll see if I meet this goal because of how little free time I have (okay, I have lots but it doesn't seem like much).

More later,

Yuki- totally excited for NaNoWriMo!

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