Monday, July 27, 2009

160,000 words

Wow, just wow. I'm amazed, again. I never thought that I would be able to do it, but here I am. I pushed myself even more and there are more words than I know what to do with. Heh, I know amazing, right? I'm trying to work to wrap up my plot. I should be done between 14,000-20,000 more words and I hope that I get to type the infamous words "the end" for the first time in a long time. I am super excited to near the end of this journey and I cannot believe that time has gone by this quickly. Feels like yesterday that I was at 1K and going "My goodness, what have I gotten myself into?"

Keep writing to the very end!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Life will forever be the whisper in the wind

Somewhat of a poetic title, ne? I decided to name this post that because I am a little frustrated, upset, hurt, shocked, angry, and tired. I know, it's hard to imagine someone feeling those emotions all at once. Even though today is more mellow than yesterday, I am still...I don't even know how to describe my state right now. I was given a very unexpected call yesterday and I just don't know how I'm going to accomplish the task. Life is forever calling me and I have duties outside of writing (this I know, but it's been very hard). I don't want to go into details, just ask for a lot of prayer.

As for my SuNo, I'm a little disappointed that I'm not as far as I would like. I ended up missing my goal by about 4K last night, but I can't control everything. I'm thinking of aiming for 140K today, after I do what need to be done first. Depending on how I feel, I might go for more, but I just want to make that mile stone at least. I don't know whether I will make it past 180K (my secret goal) at this point. We'll see, it's all up to God and what He wants me to do.

I'll just keep trusting Him as I continue down this path. I have nowhere else to go, but with Him.

Keep writing, you all are doing great! :)


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I reached 120,000 words recently and I don't know how to react. I'm shocked, excited, and questioning my sanity all at the same time. So, I'm going to up my word goal, of course. I have to see how much more I can manage to write in this month! I wonder who will be kind enough to pick me up off the floor after this month.

Keep writing! :D

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I exceed my expectaions again

So today (well, yesterday if you want to get picky), I wrote a total of 14K. Do you know how hard it is to write that much without your brain melting? Mine's gone so don't ask for it. Anyway, because of that, I am now at 102,000. I am...shocked. My characters are finally starting to decide that getting to the halfway point would be a good idea. <_< This will end up being longer than what my NaNo is currently at. I have so ideas as to which scenes I can cut out though. I'm off to rest my melted brain, please let me rest in peace. :P

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day Seventeen

Wow, I am still stunned that I am so far in such a short amount of time. I'm currently at 90,000 words and...I don't even know what to say any more! I am just shocked to even make it this far. It's...amazing! :D

God has really been pushing me to get this done and I've been pushing myself because I want the message to be done. I'm a little worried that I might not complete the novel in the month's time because of how long it's taking me to get to my halfway point. I guess that's more motivation for me though. I hope that I do get it done.

Keep writing and don't let anyone tell you that you're doing horrible. You're all great! :D

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day Twelve of SuNo

Well, I'm quite proud of myself so far. I have reached sixty thousand words in just twelve days. Wow! I mean seriously, for me that's amazing. I can't believe that I even have that much written in such amount of time. I'm trying to make sure that I stay on track with my SuNo. I have my major plot points planned out and I'm going to make sure I reach them on time. I feel like God is pushing to get this novel finished in this month because of how much character development goes on in the story. I put my characters through several situations that may be uncomfortable for them, but the necessay for their development. My main character, Aveline, is especially fragile and is none too happy at what I've done with her.

Oh well, she'll soon find out that everything is better on th ohter side and that she won't know how she lived her life before. It's amazing what God's doing in my novel and how He is working in it. I am so blown away at everything that is happening and how everything is taking shape according to His plan.

Everyone is doing great on their SuNos. No one should ever feel bad because they aren't as far as some of us are and they should be proud of the words that they've gotten. I hope you all aren't comparing yourself to me or any of the other speedy people because that is unfair to yourself.

Keep going and have a blessed day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10th!

Well, it's ten days into July and it's time for me to take a mini-break. I know that sounds lazy of me, but today is a some-what special day for me and several friends that I know. So I'm not going to be writing today, or if I do, it will be a small amount. I'm pretty proud of my word count right now because of all the hard work that I've put into this. I feel like there's still a long journey for me ahead with writing this and God has put the message on my heart. He's guiding my words and I'm so thankful that He is on my side. I hope that this novel will touch many and help them realize what I've come to realize: You are never alone. Even when you feel as though you've isolated yourself, you are never alone. Whether it be with friends, family, or God, you are not abandoned and you are love.

*hugs everyone* I love you all and keep writing!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Day Eight

So my Suno is progressing very well, I'm techincally way ahead where I'm supposed to be, but that's all right. I like being ahead. I'm working on my way to 40,000, well I will be as soon I get some other writing done. I can't believe that it's the eighth all ready. Where have my days gone? *panic* I feel them slipping away. Anyway, everyone is doing great on their SuNos. I can't wait to read some of them.

Keep up the awesome work all!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Day Four and Five Update

So I have been pushing myself for the past few days to get caught up, stay caught up, and working hard for my goal. So far, I'm right on track and surprisingly slightly ahead (or at least I was). I'm all set to make my way to 24k today. I don't have much planned for the day so it should be spent writing, writing, and writing. If things go well, I may think of upping my goal of 120,000 to something different. However, that's if everything goes well today. I think it shall though because it's raining outside. YOu have no idea how much easier it is to write with rain in comparison to sweltering heat. :P (Hey, I'm from the Northwest, I'm used to rain.)

Anyway, keep going on your SuNo's! :D

Friday, July 03, 2009

Day Three of SuNo

Well, I thought about giving up on my SuNo, but decided against it. Instead I have added some to the beginning and am a little bit happier with how everything is going. ^^ I did word wars with several people today which was such a great motivation. I realize now how much my characters love to bait each other. :P I guess I like writing them like that. They take jibes at each other and then make up in the end.

Anyway, I'm about 4k behind where I want to be. However, I hope to catch up soon.

Keep writing, you're all awesome! ^^

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Day Two of SuNo

Hey everyone, SuNo started yesterday. I stayed up until midnight in anticipation for the start of it. While waiting, I watched several people start theirs, which dismayed me a little. I played cheerleader for those who had started. This year, I'm not only focusing on my novel, but I want others to get theirs done as well. :) I very much enjoy helping other people out with their plots. However, I feel like it's draining me a little.

My writing, I feel is going too fast for my taste so I'm going to spend a lot of time added some things to the four thousand I have written. I like my plot and am constantly coming up with ideas, but I'm just concerned that it won't be enough material for my word goal.

Keep writing everyone and look for more updates in the future!
