Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day Twelve of SuNo

Well, I'm quite proud of myself so far. I have reached sixty thousand words in just twelve days. Wow! I mean seriously, for me that's amazing. I can't believe that I even have that much written in such amount of time. I'm trying to make sure that I stay on track with my SuNo. I have my major plot points planned out and I'm going to make sure I reach them on time. I feel like God is pushing to get this novel finished in this month because of how much character development goes on in the story. I put my characters through several situations that may be uncomfortable for them, but the necessay for their development. My main character, Aveline, is especially fragile and is none too happy at what I've done with her.

Oh well, she'll soon find out that everything is better on th ohter side and that she won't know how she lived her life before. It's amazing what God's doing in my novel and how He is working in it. I am so blown away at everything that is happening and how everything is taking shape according to His plan.

Everyone is doing great on their SuNos. No one should ever feel bad because they aren't as far as some of us are and they should be proud of the words that they've gotten. I hope you all aren't comparing yourself to me or any of the other speedy people because that is unfair to yourself.

Keep going and have a blessed day!

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