Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I'm done! Finally, after several agonizing hours and only 1 case of writer's block I am finally finished with my NaNo. Final word count: 50,050 words!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

46,000 words and counting!

Today has been a great day, 3,000 words written today so far! I'm hoping to get to at least 48,000 words today. Tomorrow I hope to finish my NaNo novel completely. I can't wait to share my novel with my fellow CPer's and my friends.

Go everyone who isn't finished yet!

Monday, November 27, 2006

41,000 words written and 3 days left...

It will be a mad rush for me to finish, hopefully I'll write a whole bunch today, I want to get this done as soon as I can. But even though I want to finish it as soon as possible I want it to be up to a literary quality that I approve of.

Last week I went in for an English portfolio at my school, I showed my English teacher pieces of my novel and she said: "Wow, this is very well written, I can't wait to read more. In fact when you're finished with it I would like a copy."

I was so happy, it made me think that I do have the potential to become a good writer.

Update on my novel all together... well i'm not even sure if I'm anywhere near finishing it. I finally got my MC to her cousin's house, which I had planned for her to be there a long time ago. I'm currently on page 104 and I seem to find myself running out of ideas fast, I pretty much know how I'm going to end it. However, it's getting from point B to point C that I'm having trouble with.

But that's all I can say now, 9,000 words left to write. Will my novel be finished by then? We shall see.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day was a great day for m. Not only did I get to spend a lot of time with my family playing board games and eating a very delicious meal made (mostly) by my mom and I but I got to write over 7,000 words!!

This put me at my goal of 35,000 words for the week of Thanksgiving. By the end of today I hope to be at 40,000 or somewhere close to there. ^_^

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Getting into the writing mood

Well I sort of took a break from my NaNo because of school and everything. Now I'm writing on it again, 28,000 words so far. Hopefully I'll make it close to 30,000 words by the end of the day. That's all I can really say right now.

Current number of words written: 28,058

Number of words to be written by the end of this week: 35,000

Number of words to go: 6,942

Days Left: 4

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bad day... (I wonder why I even wrote this)

Not even songs can help get me back in the zippy mood I once was in right now. For some reason I've become extremely sad and angry.

I've noticed that I've been snapping at my brother a lot more lately and usually I only do that when he's done something to upset me. I'm also constantly making rude comments about him. I know this is wrong and I'm trying to fix it.

I keep telling myself that I'm going to start reading the bible on my own soon but I haven't opened it to read it. I have been praying every night when I go to bed so I think that's a step in the right direction. I keep trying to stay on the right path but I find myself wandering away more often then not.

I have no idea why I'm sad though. I find it very frustrating at the fact that I feel these emotions but I don't know why or what's causing me to feel this way.

Day 15 of NaNo

Today was kind of a bad day for me. I managed to hit 25,000 but that's about as far as I'm going today. I think I have the beginning of a migrain so my thought process is constantly being broken so I'm just like "Whatever" about the whole NaNo thing right now.

Hopefully the migrain will pass soon.

I've also got to finish my history homework for tomorrow. If I thought writing was hard wait until I start reading. *laughs* I'm also really tired, I've been getting up around 6 a.m. everyday for the past week and now it's finally catching up to me. *Yawns* I really just want to curl up in my bed and fall alseep and not wake up until I get up on my own.

And please pray for the rain to go away, it's been really depressing lately because of all the rain we're getting. And plus it's causing a lot of flooding in areas.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Today was okay...

Today was okay, I broke 23,000 words, tomorrow I plan to get to at least 25,000. I'm hoping to get to 30,000 but with church and all I don't think that's a very realistic goal.

Today I got interrupted a lot but I somehow managed to get in 3,000 words. I was so happy when my History teacher asked what I was writing on before class.

However when my older sis came home from work she was like: "Yuki, get off the computer right now because I want to play now!"

So that's how my day went...

Yesterday was an Awesome Day and I'm Going to Let My Green Beans Burn

Lol, I'm writing this as I'm cooking green beans for my US History class and I haven't checked on them since I put them in the pan.

Anyways, yesterday was awesome! I was ome alone so I had the laptop all to myself which enabled me to spend and entire afternoon typing on my story. You'd figure someone who had five hours to themselves would write a bunch (especially with an average of 384 words for every ten minutes) but I didn't. No, I had to focus on other things (such as Scholarly Paper and math and stuff). I ended up writing 3,000 words.

*Goes to check on green beans*

However this is pretty good because I'm over 20,00 words!! *Is so excited* And better yet my parents asked me yesterday: "So how is your NaNo coming along?" *Beams*

It made me really happy because usually my parents don't care about what I do (as long as I dont get in trouble). And then my older sister came home from work and said: "Wow, you've got a lot written. That's more than I could have ever done."

I said: "You know you could've written more if you wanted to, don't worry there's always next year."

So hopefully by doing this I'm encouraging her to give it a try...she thinks she's such a terrible writer but she's not. I love reading her stories (that aren't complete) over and over again.

That's all I have to write for now, I have to go get ready for school.

Monday, November 13, 2006

On Saturday I did really good and wrote over 3,000 words! I was amazed to see that I kept on going despite my family making me rake leaves for an hour. I watched a movie whenever nothing was coming to me and then when inspiration hit me I would pause the movie and write until I was finished with my idea. Then I would go back and repeat the process.

I found that the movie helped me to think more than my usual music that I listen to. I think I'm going to watch movies instead of music from now on.

On Sunday I didn't do anything. One of our computers crashed so my dad was trying to fix that and so that meant I had no where to work because my dad was working on one computer, my older sis was playing on another, my mom was using her laptop, and my dad's computer doesn't have my story on it.

Forutnatly my dad fixed the computer yesterday but I still didn't get to do anything because my mom and my dad decided to play together on World of Warcraft. Which is fine by me but annoying because I lost all the ideas that I had for my story. Hopefully they'll come back to me when I sit down in front of the laptop this afternoon to work.

Well, now I'm going to go update my word count... 17,000 words!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Week Two: Day 9

A pretty good day, I broke 14,000 words. ^_^

However, I feel like I'm dragging my feet on this story and just when I'm getting ready to introduce Kash as a full-time character. :(

That's all I can really say right now...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Week 2: Day 8

Not a good day, only about 200 words were written today. My mom took the laptop so I couldn't write on it very much. So far I think that my plot is developing nicely, I can't wait to introduce Kash. I got the name Kash from one of the Squabblings I wrote. I couldn't think of a name but when I was re-reading my squabbling I thought: Hey I really like this name, I think I'm going to use it again.

On the other hand I started working on Scene 7 for my ISOS...haha got about 267 words written on that. Well, I'll try and get that done over the weekend. Yeah right.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Yesterday was crazy!

Yesterday I wrote over 4,000 words because I didn't write anything on Saturday but I think I wrote some on Friday. Anyways, this puts me up at 10,201 words. So yeah, I would write more because my plot is starting to come together but school comes first. Soon I'l be off to school, thinking about my NaNo but can't do anything on it because I'll have to leave my mom's laptop behind. *Sighs*

Go NaNo-er's!!

Friday, November 03, 2006


5,219 words!! My NaNo is coming along great and my ideas are almost ready to be implemented. I'm glad I didn't talk myself out of this mind numbing and completly exhilerating experience!

Now that I said all that I'm going to get stuck somewhere down the road. *laughs*


Thursday, November 02, 2006

On for a little bit...

Well I've got some free time so I decided to get on and post. I'm at 3,590 words which is great!! I can't wait to continue on this wonderful trip down to who knows where. If only my word meter would work on here. *sighs*

Mangy! Your word meter is so awesome, where'd you get it?

Anyways, today I got all of my work done...unfortunatly there was no time to catch up in it because I had choir after school today. Oh well. I'm rooting for everyone who has bravely undertaken this gruesome task. When I was writing today I found out that I'm using words that I don't everyday. I should though, it would make me sound smarter. *laughs*

Good luck to all!! I'll try and post tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Great Start!!

Hooray for the first day of NaNo!! It's been a great start for me, 1,935 words!!! *Beams* Today has certainly been a great day for me. I'm so glad I decided to participate. ^_^

Sorry it's taken so long...

Fellow NaNo-er's I apoligize at how long it's taken for me to put you all on my friends list. And I apologize for not putting you on my NaNo thing yet. (Except Mangy and Eowyn, I got you two on there before it died on me.) I thank you all for being very patient with me as I struggle with being internet savvy.

NaNo is here!!

Here I go into a month of craziness! So far i'm stuck. lol, I have my plot all ready but I can't decide whether to put it in first person or third person...oh well I'll overcome that soon. I hope...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

So I forgot the password...

The reason I didn't log on to here and haven't posted in a while is because I forgot the password to here. Oh gosh, I need to write it down before I forget again.

I'm totally excited for this even though it will be a bit of a strech for me!! I can't wait to get NaNo started!! If only I could choose a plot. Haha, well that's my post for today. ^_^

Monday, October 09, 2006

Test is over folks!

Okay, the first post was a test. I can't believe I'm going to try and write 50,ooo words...*Shudders at the thought* I doubt I've ever written 50,000 words in a month.

Meh oh well, time to go think of a plot.

S'up ya'll?

Hey everyone. I'm going to so this. Yeah right. Wish me luck!