Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Today was okay...

Today was okay, I broke 23,000 words, tomorrow I plan to get to at least 25,000. I'm hoping to get to 30,000 but with church and all I don't think that's a very realistic goal.

Today I got interrupted a lot but I somehow managed to get in 3,000 words. I was so happy when my History teacher asked what I was writing on before class.

However when my older sis came home from work she was like: "Yuki, get off the computer right now because I want to play now!"

So that's how my day went...


MangyCat said...

Sounds like you're a roll, Yuki! Three thousand words per writing day is nothing to sneeze at. Congratulations!

Annie Riley said...

You're doing great, Yuki! Keep going! *hugs* You can do it!

Yukioh said...

Thanks! *Hugs Nim back*